How Do I Know If my Business Needs PR?

How Do I Know If I Need PR? When Is the Right Time?

As a small business owner or entrepreneur, you’ve probably wondered if public relations will be beneficial to your brand and increase your sales or strengthen your reputation. It’s a fair question, and honestly, it’s a smart one to ask. PR can be a game-changer for your brand, but it’s not always obvious when the right moment is to take the leap. So, let’s break it down: how do you know if you need PR, and when should you make that call (or email, or DM)?

What Is PR Actually Anyways?

Before we get into the timing, let’s clear up what PR is. Public relations is more than just writing press releases or getting your name in a magazine. It’s about managing your brand’s reputation, building relationships with key audiences, and amplifying your story in a way that connects and resonates. You can check out this post for more of a breakdown on what PR is. 

Think of PR as your brand’s story —shaping perceptions, projecting your image, and opening doors to opportunities that could otherwise be out of reach. Here’s a little checklist to see if Pr is a good fit for your business.

Signs You Might Need PR (Like…Right Now)

  1. Your Business Is Growing, But No One Knows About It

Maybe you’ve just hit some significant milestones—new products, increased revenue, or even expanded into a new market—but it feels like you’re talking into a void. No one seems to be listening, and your achievements aren’t getting the attention they deserve. This is a huge indicator that PR can help elevate your story. You’ve already done the work; now it’s time to get the recognition you deserve. PR professionals can pitch these milestones to the media, helping your target audience get to know (and love and appreciate) you.

  1. You’re Not the Go-To Source in Your Industry

If your competitors are getting all the media coverage, and you’re just watching from the sidelines, you’re missing out. PR helps position you as a thought leader in your field. Whether it’s landing interviews, contributing articles, or scoring speaking opportunities, PR professionals can help position you as the go-to expert in your industry by putting you in the conversation. 

  1. You Have a Crisis on Your Hands (Or One Brewing)

Let’s be real: no one likes talking about crises, but it’s a reality. Whether it’s a product recall, a bad review gaining traction, or even a social media mishap, a crisis can snowball fast. If you feel like you’re always putting out fires, it might be time to bring in PR to not only handle crisis communications but also to build a reputation buffer before things go south. It’s easier to recover if you already have positive press out there.

  1. You Have an Amazing Story to Tell, But You Don’t Know Where to Start (or DOn’t Have Time to Start)

You’ve got a fantastic brand story—whether it’s how your company started, the values that drive you, or the impact you’re making in your community. But when it comes to sharing that story with the world, you’re just not sure how to package it or you’re too busy to make it a priority. This is where PR shines. We’re experts at finding the newsworthy angle in your brand’s story and bringing it to life in ways that will resonate with journalists, influencers, and your target audience.

When’s the Right Time to Invest in PR?

Now that you’re seeing some signs that you might need PR, the next question is: When should I invest? Timing matters, and while every business is different, there are a few key moments when PR can be especially powerful.

  1. You’re About to Launch Something Big

If you’ve got a major launch coming up—whether it’s a new product, a business expansion, or a rebrand—this is prime time to leverage PR. A well-planned PR strategy can help build buzz before your launch, create momentum during the announcement, and maintain interest afterward.

  1. Your Business Is Entering a New Phase

Whether you’re expanding into a new market, rebranding, or just pivoting your business model, PR can help you navigate this transition smoothly. Change is an opportunity to redefine your narrative and capture fresh attention.

  1. You’re Ready to Focus on Long-Term Growth

PR is not a one-and-done marketing tactic; it’s a long-term investment. If your business has reached a point where you’re focused on sustainable growth and not just quick wins, PR can be one of the most powerful tools in your marketing toolkit. By building strong relationships with the media, consistently sharing your message, and keeping your brand visible, you’re setting yourself up for long-term success.

  1. You’re Preparing for a Big Event or Milestone

Whether it’s a conference, an anniversary, or a big fundraising round, PR can help you maximize exposure for these big moments. Don’t let these milestones pass you by unnoticed—this is the perfect time to let a PR professional shine a light on your achievements.

Still Not Sure? Ask Yourself These Questions:

  • Is my brand visibility where I want it to be?
  • Am I struggling to control the narrative around my business?
  • Am I missing out on media coverage or thought leadership opportunities?
  • Do I have a compelling story that isn’t being told?
  • Am I worried about how my brand would handle a crisis?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, it’s time to consider chatting with a PR professional and either working with one or learning from one. PR isn’t just for big corporations with deep pockets. Small businesses, startups, and even solopreneurs can benefit tremendously from the right PR strategy and the right support. It’s all about finding a PR pro who understands your goals, reads your vibe and can help amplify your brand’s voice in a crowded marketplace.

PR Is About Timing AND Strategy

The decision to invest in PR isn’t about a specific budget or business size—it’s about the right moment, the right strategy and working with the right person. If your business is on the cusp of growth, or you feel like your voice just isn’t getting the traction it deserves, PR can be the tool that elevates your brand to the next level.

When you’re ready to stop being your industry’s best-kept secret and start becoming a recognized leader, that’s when you need PR. Book a call with me and let’s talk about how I can help you get there.

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